
aka: desk




Step Into the Pose

Lie on your belly. Press your forearms against the floor and lift your head and upper torso.

Bend your right knee and bring the heel toward the same-side buttock. Then, supporting yourself on the left forearm, reach back with your right hand and clasp the inside of your foot. As you slowly rotate your elbow toward the ceiling, slide your fingers over the top of the foot and curl them over the toe tips. The base of your palm should be pressing the top of the foot.

To start press your foot toward the buttock; after a while, if you have the flexibility, take the foot slightly off to the side and press it toward the floor. Be sure to keep your knee in line with your hip. Don't push your foot too hard if it hurts your knee.

Square your shoulders with the front of the mat and don't collapse into your left shoulder. Instead, press down with your elbow to lift your chest.

Do Half Bhekasana on each side for the same length of time, 30 seconds to two minutes. Once your thighs and groins open enough, you can try the full pose-both legs at the same time.

Beginner Tips


Advanced Tips

Anatomical Focus

* Uterus
Therapeutic Applications

* Flat feet

* Stretches the entire front of the body, ankles, thighs and groins, abdomen and chest, and throat, and deep hip flexors (psoas)
* Strengthens the back muscles
* Improves posture
* Stimulates the organs of the abdomen

Traditional texts say that Bhujangasana increases body heat, destroys disease, and awakens Kundalini
Contraindications and Cautions

* High or low blood pressure
* Migraine
* Insomnia
* Low back, neck or shoulder injuries
Beginner's Tip
Support the lift of the upper torso with a bolster under your lower ribs, and press your free forearm on the floor in front of the bolster.
Preparatory Poses

* Bhujangasana
* Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
* Supta Virasana
* Virasana
Follow-Up Poses

* Adho Mukha Svanasana
* Garudasana (arms only)