The Quality of Worldly Activity (Rajas)

1. Basically, the body consists of three qualities or attributes (the three gunas). These qualities are named Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. Among them Sattva is the best quality.
2. It is because of Sattva (purity; virtue) that one turns to devotion for God. It is due to Rajas (worldly activity) that one returns again and again to worldly affairs. It is due to Tamas (ignorance) that a downfall is experienced in human beings.
3. These three qualities (gunas) are each classified into two types. The first is pure which means that it is unpolluted or untainted. The other is tainted and undesirable. This should be understood.
4. Listen carefully to the signs of purity and of the mixed qualities and understand. Purity (Sattva) is of the nature of spiritual life (Paramartha), and the mixed qualities are of the nature of worldly life.
5. Those who are obsessed with worldly life take their position to be in the body which is subject to the three attributes (Sattva, Rajas, Tamas). When one of the three becomes more dominant, it is as if the other two were not there.
6. The lives of living beings move according to these three qualities of Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. Now, I will describe the activity of "worldliness" (Rajas).
7. Listen now to the behavior of one in whom the Rajas, or "worldly" quality, is dominant in the body. Listen carefully, and become alert to what is being said.
8. One who says, "This is my house, my family. Where does God come in?," and has such a firm resolution, has the worldly quality dominating.
9. When one constantly worries for mother, father, wife, sons, daughters-in-law, daughters, etc., this is all due to the worldly, or Rajas quality.
10. When one constantly feels they should eat good meals, wear good clothes, and harbors desires for others' things, that is due to the worldly quality.
11. When one has no care for religion, or charity, or chanting the name of God or meditation, and does not bother to enquire as to what is correct and what is not, this is due to the worldly quality.
12. When one does not understand the significance of holy places or traditions, or taking care of guests, and instead is involved in misdeeds, this is due to the worldly quality.
13. When one indulges in storing wealth and grain, when the mind always has lust for money, this miserly type of life is due to the worldly quality.
14. When one says "I am young, beautiful, strong, clever, and the greatest among all," that is due to the Rajas quality.
15. When one takes pride in country, village, house and property, such attachment in the mind is because of the worldly quality.
16. When one thinks that others' belongings should get destroyed, and only his should remain intact, this is due to the worldly quality.
17. Treachery, jealousy, hatred, and desire in the thoughts are all because of the Rajas quality.
18. When one feels affection for children, or attachment to wife, or a liking for always having others close, this is all due to the worldly quality.
19. When one sees the worries about their friends and family coming into one's own thoughts over time, it should be recognized as this happens that this is the activity of the Rajas quality.
20. There are many hardships encountered in worldly life. How will this end? It ends when one remembers the calamities that arise from this worldly quality.
21. Whatever suffering that one has gone through which is remembered in the mind, and the grief that is often felt, is the worldly quality.
22. When one sees the glory of others, and desire arises in the mind and it becomes filled with hopes and sorrows, that is the Rajas quality.
23. When whatever is seen by the eyes is longed for by the mind, and when whatever is demanded is not acquired and there is resulting sorrow, all of that happens due to the worldly quality.
24. When the mind is filled with amusement, or music and songs of romantic love, or being consumed with emotions, this is the Rajas quality.
25. When one is fooling around and joking and criticizing all the time, and engaging in talk that results in dispute, it is because of the worldly quality.
26. When there is a strong feeling of laziness, or interest in many different games and types of entertainment and enjoyments, that is confusion that is the Rajas quality.
27. When one acts out many roles and enjoys watching plays, and spends a lot of money on games, this is the worldly quality.
28. When one is prone to indulging in intoxicants, or is always interested in mischief, or keeps the company of mischievous people, this is due to the effect of the Rajas quality in the mind.
29. When thoughts of stealing arise, and when one likes to talk about the shortcomings of others, or when the mind is fed up with one's daily duties, this is the worldly quality.
30. When one is shy to do service for God and only works to fill one's stomach instead, or when one is painstakingly attached to family life, this is the worldly quality.
31. When one is greedy about eating sweets, or if one is always very careful to nourish the body with good food and will not even consider fasting for even a day, this is due to the Rajas quality.
32. When one's enjoyments are romantic, when one is engrossed in arts and exhibition, and when one has no liking for devotion or detachment, this is due to the worldly quality.
33. When one does not know the Supreme Self (Paramatman) and only adores objects, this force that brings about the cycle of birth and death is called the Rajas guna.
34. Like this is the "worldly quality," the Rajas guna. It offers death and birth for one who is attached to family life. Understand the power of this Rajas quality and see that it causes one to suffer extreme sorrow.
35. Now, this is the description of the Rajas guna which does not easily leave for the one who is entangled in worldly life and latent desires and tendencies (vasanas). What is the remedy?
36. There is one remedy if dispassion towards worldly life does not occur, and that is to sing the praises of God or Guru according to one's capacity.
37. Devotion should be with body, speech and mind, making offerings of leaves, flowers, fruits, and water. One should offer one's mind to God and make one's life fulfilled.
38. Be charitable as per your capacity, and be attached to God. In joy, or in sorrow, think of God always.
39. In the beginning and in the end, there is the one God, alone. What is present in between is Illusion, or "Maya" (Maya literally means "that which is not"). Therefore, let there be a fullness of deep feelings for God.
40. Like this is the power of the worldly quality, the Rajas guna. It has been described briefly here. Now, listen to the description of the pure, unmixed Rajas quality as it pertains to the aspirant.
41. The identifying sign of Rajas in its pure form is that it is like Sattva which is the origin and completeness of all devotional activity.
42. Like this, the "worldly quality," or Rajas guna has been explained. The listeners can experience this in the mind. Now, listen further to the explanation on the "Quality of Ignorance," the Tamas guna.