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Sage or ‘salvia’ comes from the Latin word salvare, which means “to heal.” Dried sage plants have been used in shamanic ceremonies for a long time as a way to protect, cleanse and purify the sacred space and the people participating in the ceremony. It is said that any conflict, anger, illness or evil was absorbed by the sage smoke is released from the energy field of a person. The smoke from dried white sage actually changes the ionic composition of the air, and can have a direct effect on reducing our stress response. You can even burn loose leaves of sage or use a traditional smudge stick or wand before starting your personal ritual or meditation. The shamans also used dried sage in their ritual to call upon ancestral spirits. Sage also balances chakras, increase relaxation during meditation and cleanse oneself from psychic and emotional trauma. It is strewn over the floor in sweat lodges, and wrapped around sacred objects such as ceremonial pipes. The use of sage leaves in teas helps to calm, focus and center the mind. It is also antifungal, antiseptic as well as astringent.