Origin Of The Term «Shamanism»
Summary and Expansion: The Origin of the Term “Shamanism”
The term shamanism originates from the word shaman, which entered Western vocabulary through Russian explorers who encountered the Tungus people in Siberia in the 17th century. Initially, European observers misinterpreted shamans as “pagan sorcerers,” a misconception that persisted for centuries and influenced the way shamanism was studied. The term was generalized beyond its Tungus origins and applied broadly to various indigenous spiritual practices worldwide.
The process of generalization led to the creation of shamanism as a scientific term, grouping together spiritual traditions that were perceived as opposed to Christianity, Buddhism, and other established religions. Over time, it became an umbrella term that included healing practices, spirit communication, and magical rites across different cultures, sometimes inaccurately equating shamans with medicine men, witches, and sorcerers.
Linguistic studies reveal that the word shaman has many variations in Tungus dialects (saman, xaman, haman, shaman) and that it is deeply rooted in the Manchu-Tungus language family. While some scholars historically linked shaman to the Sanskrit śramaṇa (a term for Buddhist ascetics), modern linguistic analysis suggests that this connection is weak and likely coincidental. The word appears in 12th-century Chinese sources as shan-man, confirming its presence in Manchuria long before European contact.
Despite extensive academic debates on its origins, shamanism remains a Western construct rather than a precise indigenous classification. The term’s broad application has diluted its scientific value, turning it into a label for various non-European spiritual traditions rather than a specific religious system. The study of Tungus shamanism remains central to understanding the original meaning of the term, but scholars continue to refine its definition to avoid misconceptions and overgeneralizations.
Expanded Explanation:
The development of shamanism as a term is deeply tied to the expansion of European ethnographic studies in the 18th and 19th centuries. Initially, Russian explorers documented the religious specialists of the Tungus as saman, a term that was later borrowed into Russian and Western European languages. However, due to the limited understanding of indigenous belief systems, early descriptions cast shamans as sorcerers or primitive magicians, which colored Western interpretations of shamanic traditions.
As anthropologists and linguists attempted to classify spiritual traditions around the world, they began to use shamanism to describe not only Tungus religious practices but also those of indigenous peoples in Central Asia, the Americas, Africa, and elsewhere. This broad application created a problematic framework where diverse religious and healing traditions were lumped together under a single term, despite significant cultural and functional differences.
One of the most debated aspects of the term’s etymology is its supposed link to Buddhism. In earlier scholarship, some linguists proposed that shaman derived from the Sanskrit śramaṇa, referring to Buddhist monks or ascetics. This theory was popularized in the 18th and 19th centuries by scholars like Max Müller and Abel-Rémusat. However, later linguistic analysis, particularly by scholars such as Berthold Laufer and J. Németh, refuted this connection. They demonstrated that shaman has a clearer linguistic lineage within the Tungus-Manchu language family and shares similarities with Turkic words like kam (used for a shamanic figure).
The expansion of shamanism as a term also contributed to the misunderstanding of indigenous religious traditions. Many Western scholars imposed their own interpretations, often seeing shamans as remnants of an ancient or primitive spiritual system. In reality, shamanic traditions are highly diverse and complex, varying significantly across different cultures. Some involve elaborate rituals, spirit possession, and healing practices, while others emphasize social leadership or ancestral veneration.
Additionally, the evolution of the term led to its misapplication in various fields, including psychology, mysticism, and New Age spirituality. In modern times, shamanism is often used as a catch-all term for non-Western spiritual practices, which can distort its original meaning. Some scholars argue that the term should either be refined to refer specifically to Tungus and related practices or replaced with more culturally specific terminology.
The word shaman has a well-documented Tungus-Manchu origin, with historical records confirming its use in Siberia and Manchuria long before Western contact. While earlier theories linked it to Buddhism, modern linguistic studies have largely disproven this connection. The broad generalization of shamanism as a global religious category has led to many misconceptions, reducing its scientific accuracy. To better understand shamanic traditions, scholars must focus on culturally specific studies rather than applying a one-size-fits-all framework.
Стать шаманом – совсем непросто и не каждому смертному дано. Нужно пройти такой процесс как «эттении» - болезнь шамана, когда человек болеет, а его тело в это время разрывают на мелкие кусочки «духи». Иногда она длится несколько недель, а иногда и несколько лет. Если дух попросил для себя какую-нибудь жилку, в доме умирал родственник, в отдельных случаях их число достигало до девяти. В старину такие шаманы считались особенно сильными и обладали невероятной силой и энергией. Они и рождаются то раз в тысячу лет». А вот что гласит древняя якутская легенда: «Во время «эттении» части тела кандидата отрываются и раздираются железным крючком; кости очищаются, жидкости выпускаются из тела, а глаза вырываются из глазниц. После этой процедуры все кости собираются и скрепляются железом. Церемония расчленения длится от 3 до 7 дней. В это время кандидат находится в уединенном месте, лежит как мертвый, почти не дышит». - «Так или иначе, шаман никогда не получает свой дар просто так, его нужно заслужить, - продолжает Александр, - школа настоящего шамана включает в себя знание экстрасенсорики, лекарственных трав, владение точечным массажем, костоправством и другими способностями.