The quena is one of the most important creations of the Andean region. It consists of a vertical tube open on both sides, it presents a carved U-shaped at the top where the mouth piece is and produces the sound, also 6 holes in the front and one at the rear in total 7 holes which are musical notes. It can be produced from bamboo, wood, reed, bone, clay and other material that suits; at present 95% of the Andean musicians use quenas made of bamboo.
The origin of this instrument dating from the pre-Colombian cultures NAZCA and CHIMU located in Peru, the quena obviously had directed across the Inca empire and is an instrument that is played in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina and Chile. There are now a wide variety of sizes and names derived from the quena as quenilla, quenacho, mamaquena, and others. The name came from origins of quechua words such as KKENAKENA, KJENA, KHOANA which means hole. This instrument that already belongs to the world owns a unique sound that people enjoy when they hears the song of the QUENA.