Casa de Pensamiento
La Maloca es la casa espiritual, la casa matriz, es el centro desde donde se irradia el pensamiento de vida a la comunidad. La Maloca es el templo del gobierno espiritual y allí reside su valor para las comunidades ya que contiene los símbolos que definen la vida de la comunidad y la cultura.
Desde el pensamiento ancestral la Maloca es la Matriz, el útero de la Madre, el lugar de enseñanza y formación del ser humano; es donde aprendemos y comprendemos cómo cuidar la vida y la humanidad. La Maloca es la comunidad; sus estantillos representan las familias que la componen. Su estructura simbólica es la de un huevo que está partido en dos. La línea del medio es la tierra, el piso de la Maloca; en el centro hacia adentro de la tierra la Maloca se profundiza, hunde sus raíces espirituales.
La misión ancestral de la Maloca consiste en esparcir la semilla del pensamiento, la palabra, la obra de vida y la unidad en el territorio. A través de esa semilla, la Maloca es un lugar de sanación física y espiritual de todas las enfermedades. La Maloca es donde se procrea el pensamiento ancestral, que trae no sólo la reproducción de un saber, sino la posibilidad de transformación a través de ese saber.
Para los pueblos ancestrales lo sagrado está en todo lo que existe.
Hay cuatro tipos de Malocas donde se ritualiza lo sagrado. La primera es nuestro cuerpo, templo donde habita el espíritu. La segunda es la casa de pensamiento propiamente dicha donde se manifesta la palabra que es el alienta devida. La tercera Maloca son las montañas, antenas que conectan el pensamiento de la Madre con el pensamiento del Padre Creador, hábitat de los espíritus de la Madre. La cuarta es el Universo, como la gran casa que congrega al Todo.
House of Though
The Maloca is the spiritual house, the matrix house, is the center from which radiates the thought of life to the community. The Maloca is the temple of the spiritual government and there resides its value to the communities since it contains symbols that define the life of the community and culture. From the ancestral thought the Maloca is the matrix, is the uterus of the mother, the place of teaching and formation of the human being, is where we learn and understand how to take care of life and humanity.
The Maloca is the community; their props represent the families that compose it. Its symbolic form is of an egg that is divided in two. The middle line is the ground, the Maloca 's floor; from the center towards the inside of the ground the Maloca deepens, it sinks its spiritual roots.
The ancestral mission of the Maloca consists of spreading the seed of thought, word, work of life and the unity in the territory. Through that seed, the Maloca is a place of physical and spiritual healing of all illnesses. The Maloca is where the ancestral thought is procreated, which brings not only the reproduction of knowledge, but also the possibility of transformation through that knowledge.
For the ancestral people, the sacred is in everything that exists. There are four types of Malocas where the sacred is ritualized. The first one is our body, the temple where the spirit lives. The second one is the house of thought where the word that is the breath of life is manifested. The third Maloca are the mountains, antennas that connect the thought of the Mother with the thought of the Father Creator, home of the spirits of the Mother. The fourth one is the Universe, as the great house that congregates the whole.
The Maloca is the spiritual house, the matrix house, is the center from which radiates the thought of life to the community. The Maloca is the temple of the spiritual government and there resides its value to the communities since it contains symbols that define the life of the community and culture. From the ancestral thought the Maloca is the matrix, is the uterus of the mother, the place of teaching and formation of the human being, is where we learn and understand how to take care of life and humanity.
The Maloca is the community; their props represent the families that compose it. Its symbolic form is of an egg that is divided in two. The middle line is the ground, the Maloca 's floor; from the center towards the inside of the ground the Maloca deepens, it sinks its spiritual roots.
The ancestral mission of the Maloca consists of spreading the seed of thought, word, work of life and the unity in the territory. Through that seed, the Maloca is a place of physical and spiritual healing of all illnesses. The Maloca is where the ancestral thought is procreated, which brings not only the reproduction of knowledge, but also the possibility of transformation through that knowledge.
For the ancestral people, the sacred is in everything that exists. There are four types of Malocas where the sacred is ritualized. The first one is our body, the temple where the spirit lives. The second one is the house of thought where the word that is the breath of life is manifested. The third Maloca are the mountains, antennas that connect the thought of the Mother with the thought of the Father Creator, home of the spirits of the Mother. The fourth one is the Universe, as the great house that congregates the whole.