‘La esencia es la parte básica del ser humano y de cada parte del universo”
“La energía es la que recrea la esencia”
Esencia. Energía
La esencia es la parte básica del ser humano y de cada parte del universo. Es la contenedora de la información completa y necesaria, que a su vez puede recrearse y convertirse en el todo. La esencia es el todo en uno para ser todos. Es inalterable, inmutable, irrepetible. Es la que define las características propias, personales e individuales de los seres y de las formas de existencia del universo.
Cuando la esencia empieza a individualizarse se va transformando en energía. Sin energía a través de la cual recrear la esencia, ésta no se manifiesta. Es la energía la que recrea la esencia, dependiendo de aquello para lo cual nos encontramos programados y del rol que tenemos y asumimos.
La energía y la esencia son inseparables porque sin una no se manifestaría ninguna de las dos. No es posible manipular la esencia porque ésta permanece en el ser hasta que retorna al origen, a pesar de que se manipule la materia.
In this drawing, it is shown how while the energy is being transformed into more energy rather than in essence, becomes thicker and abrupt. In contrast, while looking for the origin, the energy becomes thinner, smaller, and more sensible and it purifies until achieving the essence: to become the whole, in one tobe. It is also shown the point where the transformation of the being occurs, when the essence as something indestructible is freed; it emerges at being manifested in different ways which is truly coherent with the essence of the being.
Essence is the basic part of the human and of each part of the universe
Energy is the one that recreates the essence
Essence is the basic part of the human being and of each part of the universe. It is the container of the complete and needed information, which in turn can be recreated and become the whole. The essence is everything in one to become the whole. It is unchangeable, immutable, unique; it is the one that defines the own, personal and individual characteristics of the beings and the existing forms of the universe.
When the essence begins to be individualized, it keeps transforming into energy. Without energy from which can recreate the essence, this one will not be manifested depending on what we are programmed for and the role that we have and assumed.
The energy and the essence are inseparable because without one, neither of the two will be manifested. It is not possible to manipulate the essence because this one remains in the being until it returns to the origin, even though matter is manipulated.
Essence is the basic part of the human and of each part of the universe
Energy is the one that recreates the essence
Essence is the basic part of the human being and of each part of the universe. It is the container of the complete and needed information, which in turn can be recreated and become the whole. The essence is everything in one to become the whole. It is unchangeable, immutable, unique; it is the one that defines the own, personal and individual characteristics of the beings and the existing forms of the universe.
When the essence begins to be individualized, it keeps transforming into energy. Without energy from which can recreate the essence, this one will not be manifested depending on what we are programmed for and the role that we have and assumed.
The energy and the essence are inseparable because without one, neither of the two will be manifested. It is not possible to manipulate the essence because this one remains in the being until it returns to the origin, even though matter is manipulated.