La humildad es la puerta de entrada a la perfección del ser humano.
Es la puerta del cielo, del conocimiento, del poder comprender el universo estando en sintonía con la divinidad. De la humildad se desprenden las claves de vida. La humildad es embellecer y embellecerse por dentro; permite llegar, trasmitir y sanar al otro, pues se puede escuchar y asimilar.
La humildad está hecha de lo mismo que la esencia del espíritu humano. Es el ojo de la verdad, da un manejo, un orden y una forma perfecta a cada cosa; a través de ella se logra el control de las emociones. Aprender desde la humildad es prepararse para la felicidad, porque somos capaces de transformarlo todo, reconociendo y transformando nuestros errores, volviéndonos al origen en nosotros mismos. La humildad es el camino hacia la verdad del amor.
Al ser humildes somos sabiosy tenemos visión actuamos concentradamente, vivimos sin dejarnos presionar, impresionar, ni provocar; reconocemos nuestra esencia y la de los demás; tenemos el control de sí, el manejo de la mente y del conocimiento. Al ser humildes poseemos una palabra dulce y un pensamiento limpio, sencillo y verdadero, somos dueños del tipmpo, somos pacientes; hacemos de lo mínimo y lo elemental, lo máximo y lo trascendental; reconocemos nuestro papel y misión en el universo.
Humility is to know how to listen
Humility is the doorway to the perfection of the human being. It is the gateway to heaven, knowledge; of being able to understand the universe by being in synchrony with the divinity. From humility, the keys of life are detached. Humbleness is to beautify and to embellish itself inside; it allows to reach, to transmit and to heal the other, because it can be heard and assimilated.
Humility is made of the same that the human spirit is made of. It is the eye of the truth; it handles, orders, and perfectly shapes everything. Through it, the control of the emotions is accomplished. To learn from humility is to prepare oneself for happiness because we are capable of transforming everything, by recognizing and converting our mistakes, by going back to the origin in ourselves. Humility is the path towards the truth of love.
When we are humble we are wise, and we have vision; we act concentrated, we live without being pressured, impressed, or provoked; we recognize our essence and the essence of the others; we have control of it, the handling of the mind and knowledge. At being humble, we have a sweet word and a clean thought, simple and rightful; we own the time, we are patients. We do the least and the elemental, we do the most and the transcendental, we recognize our role and mission in the universe.
Humility is the doorway to the perfection of the human being. It is the gateway to heaven, knowledge; of being able to understand the universe by being in synchrony with the divinity. From humility, the keys of life are detached. Humbleness is to beautify and to embellish itself inside; it allows to reach, to transmit and to heal the other, because it can be heard and assimilated.
Humility is made of the same that the human spirit is made of. It is the eye of the truth; it handles, orders, and perfectly shapes everything. Through it, the control of the emotions is accomplished. To learn from humility is to prepare oneself for happiness because we are capable of transforming everything, by recognizing and converting our mistakes, by going back to the origin in ourselves. Humility is the path towards the truth of love.
When we are humble we are wise, and we have vision; we act concentrated, we live without being pressured, impressed, or provoked; we recognize our essence and the essence of the others; we have control of it, the handling of the mind and knowledge. At being humble, we have a sweet word and a clean thought, simple and rightful; we own the time, we are patients. We do the least and the elemental, we do the most and the transcendental, we recognize our role and mission in the universe.