El maestro es tres veces más. Es él, el otro y los demás, es esencia y espíritu. El maestro guía a un nivel de comunicación del espíritu, desde las emociones, los sentidos y los sentimientos. El espíritu enseña a través del maestro que es un mediador. Cuando el maestro recibe un mensaje desde el Espíritu él aprende, limpia, recuerda, se consolida y graba. Cuando nuestras actividades, acciones, comportamientos y vivencias son una realidad, el maestro nace. La posibilidad de nuestra enseñanza está en que entre nosotros mismos enseñemos y aprendamos; la palabra se empodera al ser transmitida.
El maestro puede enseñar desde cualquier lenguaje, ES en el tiempo del espíritu. El maestro controla el miedo, se hace en el discípulo, le dice qué tiene que saber manejar, controlar, o dejar de hacer desde lo físico y lo no físico. El maestro se transforma en el discípulo, sin discípulo no puede haber-maestro.
The master is three times more. It is me; it is me in the other and the other in the others
The master is three times more. It is him, it is the other and the others; it is essence and spirit. The master leads at a level of communication from the spirit, the emotions, the senses and the feelings. The spirit teaches through the master who is a mediator. When the master receives a message from the spirit, he learns, cleans, remembers, consolidates and records.
When our activities, actions, behaviors and experiences become real, the master is born. The possibility of our teaching depends in learning and teaching within ourselves; the word is empowered when is transmitted.
The master can teach from any language, it is in the time of the spirit. The master controls the fear, he becomes in the disciple, he tells what he needs to handle, to control, or to stop doing from the physical and the non- physical. The master transforms himself in the disciple, without disciple there cannot be a master.
The master is three times more. It is him, it is the other and the others; it is essence and spirit. The master leads at a level of communication from the spirit, the emotions, the senses and the feelings. The spirit teaches through the master who is a mediator. When the master receives a message from the spirit, he learns, cleans, remembers, consolidates and records.
When our activities, actions, behaviors and experiences become real, the master is born. The possibility of our teaching depends in learning and teaching within ourselves; the word is empowered when is transmitted.
The master can teach from any language, it is in the time of the spirit. The master controls the fear, he becomes in the disciple, he tells what he needs to handle, to control, or to stop doing from the physical and the non- physical. The master transforms himself in the disciple, without disciple there cannot be a master.