El Mito es la expresión de la Ley de Origen. Es el lenguaje que ritualiza y recrea la Ley Mayor que rige al ser humano. El mito es un reconstruir permanente de los valores establecidos en las leyes naturales. El mito hace referencia a un orden de la creación. En él se proclaman principios fundamentales de cómo fue ordenada la vida en este planeta y deja las sendas establecidas para el caminar de los seres humanos dentro de esos principios originales.
El mito enseña y guarda todas las formas y lenguajes. Cuando el mito se expresa le da forma a la Ley de Origen. El mito nos hace recordar la misión: el para qué vinimos aquí. El mito no es pasado, es presente permanente. El mito se va recreando de acuerdo a la experiencia de los pueblos, revela su memoria. El mito es algo interno y universal, mantiene viva la historia del origen.
The Myth is the language that ritualizes the Law of Origin
Myth is the expression of the Law of the origin. Is the language that ritualizes and recreates the Greater Law that governs the human being. The myth is a permanent rebuilding of the established values within the natural laws. The myth refers to an order of creation. The fundamental principles of how life was ordered on this planet were proclaimed in it and it leaves pathways established for the journey of the human beings within these original principles.
The myth teaches and stores all forms and languages. When the myth is expressed, it gives shape to the Law of Origin. The myth makes us remember the mission: why we came here. The myth is not past, it is the permanent present. The myth keeps recreating according to the experience of the villages, it reveals their memory. The myth is something internal and universal; it keeps alive the history of the origin.
Myth is the expression of the Law of the origin. Is the language that ritualizes and recreates the Greater Law that governs the human being. The myth is a permanent rebuilding of the established values within the natural laws. The myth refers to an order of creation. The fundamental principles of how life was ordered on this planet were proclaimed in it and it leaves pathways established for the journey of the human beings within these original principles.
The myth teaches and stores all forms and languages. When the myth is expressed, it gives shape to the Law of Origin. The myth makes us remember the mission: why we came here. The myth is not past, it is the permanent present. The myth keeps recreating according to the experience of the villages, it reveals their memory. The myth is something internal and universal; it keeps alive the history of the origin.