La espiritualidad es la aventura interior de conocerse y hacerse a sí mismo
La espiritualidad es el manejo de la experiencia de la vida desde el espíritu. Nos lleva a la conciencia del quehacer desde la cultura que nos corresponde. La espiritualidad es lo que nos conduce a descubrir y recordar quiénes somos y para dónde vamos. La razón de ser de la espiritualidad es tener una experiencia ordenada de la vida, una vida sin dolor, sin sufrimiento, con el entendimiendo y la comprensión de lo que nos hace bien y de lo que nos hace mal.
La espiritualidad es una profunda transformación interior; se mani- festa en el irse haciendo a sí mismo y con el otro y se expresa en el hacer.
El espíritu es siempre el mismo y la experiencia del cuerpo es la que da los signifcados espirituales en cada ser humano. La espiritualidad es un lenguaje, un estado de comunicación de la vida; la espiritualidad no es la práctica de un ritual sino la transformación de la vida misma.
The spirituality is the handling of the experience of life from the spirit
The spirituality is the internal adventure of knowing and becoming oneself
The spirituality is the handling of the experience of life from the spirit It takes us to consciousness of what to do from the culture that we belong to. Spirituality is what lead us to discover and remember who we are and where we are going to. The reason of the spirituality is to have an ordered experience of life, a life without pain, without suffering, with the knowledge and understanding of what makes us good and what make us bad.
Spirituality is a deep internal transformation and it is manifested by becoming oneself and with the other and it is expressed through the action. The spirit is always the same and the experience of the body is the one that gives the spiritual meanings to each human being. The spirituality is a language, a condition in which life communicates; spirituality is not the practice of a ritual but it is the transformation of life itself.
The spirituality is the internal adventure of knowing and becoming oneself
The spirituality is the handling of the experience of life from the spirit It takes us to consciousness of what to do from the culture that we belong to. Spirituality is what lead us to discover and remember who we are and where we are going to. The reason of the spirituality is to have an ordered experience of life, a life without pain, without suffering, with the knowledge and understanding of what makes us good and what make us bad.
Spirituality is a deep internal transformation and it is manifested by becoming oneself and with the other and it is expressed through the action. The spirit is always the same and the experience of the body is the one that gives the spiritual meanings to each human being. The spirituality is a language, a condition in which life communicates; spirituality is not the practice of a ritual but it is the transformation of life itself.