Enseñar y Aprender
Enseñar es hacerse en el otro, es transmitir desde el ser. Se enseña de dos maneras: una es desde el hacer cotidiano, la práctica, el ejemplo y la tradición, para hacer entender lo esencial y lo aplicable para la vida. La otra manera es desde la visión, ésta consiste en encontrarnos en lo que somos, en lo que queremos ser y en lo que el maestro nos da; en la enseñanza hay acuerdo.
El maestro es el territorio. Al territorio se le entrega y se le pide información para el aprendizaje y la enseñanza, se aprende de todo lo existente en él; en las distintas partes del territorio el pensamiento se abre, el espíritu se inspira y el alma se recrea. Hay que darse el tiempo para escuchar la palabra del territorio, aprender y recrease en el sentir
En la enseñanza y el aprendizaje hay un estado emocional de entrega, de enamoramiento, para poder hacerse, recibir y recrearse con el otro. La enseñanza llega, se graba en el espíritu, se queda de por vida. No estamos aprendiendo nada nuevo porque todo ya está dentro de nosotros, todo lo sabemos; estamos recordando y recreando. En la enseñanza nos buscamos y encontrarnos a nosotros mismos.
“To teach is to transmit to the being”
To teach is to plant; it is to become in the other
To Teach and To Learn
To teach is to become in the other; it is to transmit from the being.
It is taught in two ways: one from doing in the everyday, from the practice, the example and the tradition; to get to understand what is essential and the applicable to life. The other way is from the vision, this one is about finding us in-what we are, in what we want to be, and what the matter gives us; the agreement in teaching.
The master is the territory. We hand and ask the territory for information for me learning and teaching; we learn about everything that exists in it. In the different areas of the territory, the thought opens up; the spirit is inspired, and the soul is recreated. One must take the time to the word of the territory, to learn and to recreate itself in the sense.
While teaching and learning there is an emotional state of giving in, of amorousness, to be able of making oneself, to receive and to recreate oneself in the other. The teaching comes; it is kept in the spirit, it stays for life. We are not learning something new because everything is already within us; we know everything, we are remembering and recreating. In teaching, we seek us and find ourselves.
To teach is to plant; it is to become in the other
To Teach and To Learn
To teach is to become in the other; it is to transmit from the being.
It is taught in two ways: one from doing in the everyday, from the practice, the example and the tradition; to get to understand what is essential and the applicable to life. The other way is from the vision, this one is about finding us in-what we are, in what we want to be, and what the matter gives us; the agreement in teaching.
The master is the territory. We hand and ask the territory for information for me learning and teaching; we learn about everything that exists in it. In the different areas of the territory, the thought opens up; the spirit is inspired, and the soul is recreated. One must take the time to the word of the territory, to learn and to recreate itself in the sense.
While teaching and learning there is an emotional state of giving in, of amorousness, to be able of making oneself, to receive and to recreate oneself in the other. The teaching comes; it is kept in the spirit, it stays for life. We are not learning something new because everything is already within us; we know everything, we are remembering and recreating. In teaching, we seek us and find ourselves.