La confianza es crecer. La semilla germinó, el ser creció y podemos dar, darnos, aceptarnos. La confanza desde el espíritu es un estado natural del Ser. La confianza es una sola, es una entrega donde no hay condición. Cuando logramos este estado somos felices, es el momento del control, del equilibrio. La confianza agrada, trae empatia, sintonía, irradia como un ¡sol. La confianza nunca se da, es la condición para la reciprocidad.
“To Trust is to grow”
To trust is to grow. The seed germinated, the being grew up, and we can hand in, give us, and accept us. The confidence from the spirit is a natural state of the being. Trust is only one; it is a handing over where there is no condition.
When we achieve this state we are happy; it is the moment of control, of equilibrium. Confidence gratifies, it brings empathy, harmony, it irradiates like the sun. Trust is never given; it is the condition for reciprocity.
To trust is to grow. The seed germinated, the being grew up, and we can hand in, give us, and accept us. The confidence from the spirit is a natural state of the being. Trust is only one; it is a handing over where there is no condition.
When we achieve this state we are happy; it is the moment of control, of equilibrium. Confidence gratifies, it brings empathy, harmony, it irradiates like the sun. Trust is never given; it is the condition for reciprocity.