Comunidad de Pensamiento Bonito
Pensar bonito es vivir en espíritu. La Comunidad de Pensamiento Bonito es una comunidad cerrada que comparte un territorio común, donde todos sus miembros se conocen y comparten un mismo anhelo espiritual que es vivir en paz. Por tanto la vida es concebida desde el espíritu y no desde la razón.
La Comunidad vive el concepto de madre. Su sentir de madre recrea la vida a través del rol de mujer y del servicio. En la Comunidad compartimos no competimos. Los niños que nacen en la Comunidad son hijos de ella y todos los miembros se convierten en sus padres y madres.
La Comunidad cerrada está reglamentada. Si algo afecta a la Comunidad ésta revisa qué está pasando y acuerda cómo resolver el problema. La base del concepto de paz que maneja nuestra Comunidad es la práctica de la mediación y se fundamenta en siete principios:
1 Somos mediadores culturales y espirituales.
2 No reconocemos al otro como enemigo.
3 No reconocemos como legítimo el uso de las armas y de la violencia - en todas sus expresiones - como una forma de interacción válida.
4 Privilegiamos el diálogo como herramienta para la resolución y transformación de conflictos.
5 Morir antes que matar.
6 Comprendemos a quién no nos comprende.
7 Promovemos y enseñamos los principios de nuestro pensamiento de paz como defensores de la vida y del trabajo.
Community of Beautiful Thinking
To think beautiful is to live in spirit The Beautiful Thinking Community is a closed community that shares a common territory, where each one of its members know each other and share the same spiritual desire that is to live in peace. Therefore, live is conceived from the spirit and not from the reason.
The Community lives the concept of the mother. Her mother’s feelings recreate the life through the role of the woman and service.
In the Community we share we do not compete. The children who are born in the Community are her children and all the members become their fathers and mothers.
The closed Community is regulated. If anything affects the Community, this reviews what is happening and agrees to solve the issue. The basis of the concept of peace that handles our Community is the practice of mediation and is based on seven principles:
1. We are cultural and spiritual mediators.
2. We do not recognize the other as an enemy.
3. We do not recognize as legitimate the use of arms and violence in all their expressions as a form of valid interaction.
4. We privilege the dialogue as a tool for the resolution and transformation of conflicts
5. To die before kill.
6. We comprehend to whom does pot comprehend us.
7. We promote and teach the principles of our peace thinking as guardians of life and work
To think beautiful is to live in spirit The Beautiful Thinking Community is a closed community that shares a common territory, where each one of its members know each other and share the same spiritual desire that is to live in peace. Therefore, live is conceived from the spirit and not from the reason.
The Community lives the concept of the mother. Her mother’s feelings recreate the life through the role of the woman and service.
In the Community we share we do not compete. The children who are born in the Community are her children and all the members become their fathers and mothers.
The closed Community is regulated. If anything affects the Community, this reviews what is happening and agrees to solve the issue. The basis of the concept of peace that handles our Community is the practice of mediation and is based on seven principles:
1. We are cultural and spiritual mediators.
2. We do not recognize the other as an enemy.
3. We do not recognize as legitimate the use of arms and violence in all their expressions as a form of valid interaction.
4. We privilege the dialogue as a tool for the resolution and transformation of conflicts
5. To die before kill.
6. We comprehend to whom does pot comprehend us.
7. We promote and teach the principles of our peace thinking as guardians of life and work