Conciencia es el Espejo Universal en el que todos nos podemos ver, en el que todo lo miramos. Conciencia es lo que viene puro, es donde está la sabiduría. Es la verdad, es donde están las respuestas, la información del espíritu, del alma y lo que la Mente Universal maneja. Estar en conciencia es conectarse con la vida; es despertar, es armonía, es entrar al alma de la memoria y transformar la vida. La conciencia está en todo ser vivo, es dosificada para enseñarla pero para vivirla es completa. Cuando entramos en conciencia, estamos en justicia, en paz. En la conciencia está el amor y hay visión.
Conciencia es comprender, es saber qué hacer y qué no hacer, es la que revisa todo lo que pasa; lo que queremos transformar, nos lleva a reconocer lo bonito, enfrentar los miedos, afrontar las dificultades. La conciencia limpia y revela la memoria, muestra la enfermedad comprendida.
Consciousness is to enter in the memory of the soul and to transform it
Consciousness is the Universal Mirror in which we can all see ourselves, in which we look at everything. Consciousness is what comes pure; it is where the wisdom is. It is the truth, is where the answers are, the information of the spirit, the soul and what the universal mind handles.
To be in consciousness is to connect with life, is to wake, it is harmony, is to enter to the soul of memory and to transform life. Consciousness is in every living being; it is dosed to teach it, but to live it is complete. When we enter into consciousness, we are in justice, in peace. In consciousness there is love and there is vision.
Consciousness is to comprehend, it is to know what to do and what not to do; it is the one that looks over everything that happens; what we want to transform and it lead us to recognize the beautiful, to face the fears, to face the difficulties. Consciousness cleans out and reveals the memory, and shows the understood illness.
Consciousness is the Universal Mirror in which we can all see ourselves, in which we look at everything. Consciousness is what comes pure; it is where the wisdom is. It is the truth, is where the answers are, the information of the spirit, the soul and what the universal mind handles.
To be in consciousness is to connect with life, is to wake, it is harmony, is to enter to the soul of memory and to transform life. Consciousness is in every living being; it is dosed to teach it, but to live it is complete. When we enter into consciousness, we are in justice, in peace. In consciousness there is love and there is vision.
Consciousness is to comprehend, it is to know what to do and what not to do; it is the one that looks over everything that happens; what we want to transform and it lead us to recognize the beautiful, to face the fears, to face the difficulties. Consciousness cleans out and reveals the memory, and shows the understood illness.