La Memoria es el Archivo Universal
La memoria es la historia de la vida.Tiene todo lo que somos, lo que fuimos, lo que seremos, de dónde venimos, para dónde vamos. Es donde está grabada toda la información; es espiral, es eterna. La memoria es el camino y el camino son los abuelos en quienes encontramos el sentido de la vida, recordando y recreando lo que ya está dado. El futuro y el pasado son siempre el presente. La memoria es la conciencia de la historia, es reconocer la historia. Ese reconocimiento genera identidad, devela la misión El futuro está en lo ancestral.
La memoria se representa en la espiral, en el círculo, en el cántaro, en la semilla, en la telaraña, en la mochila. La espiral se halla en la hélice del ADN, en la huella de los dedos, en el iris de los ojos, en la corona de nuestra cabeza, en los anillos del tronco de los árboles; en las ondas del agua, del sonido, de la luz, y de la energía; en el ombligo que nos conecta con nuestra madre, en los huracanes, en los remolinos, en la Vía Láctea...
“The Memory is the History of life"
“The Memory is the Universal Registry"
The memory is the history of life. It has everything that we are, what we were; what we will become, where we come from, where we are going. Is where all the information is recorded; it is a spiral, it is eternal
The memory is the path and the path are the elderly in whom we find the meaning of life, remembering and recreating what is already given. The future and the past are always the present. The memory is the consciousness of the history, is to recognize the history. That recognition generates identity, reveals the mission. The future is in the ancestral.
The memory is represented in the spiral, in the circle, in the jug, in the seed, in the spider web, in the knapsack mochila. The spiral is in the helix of DNA, in the fingerprints, in the iris of the eyes, in the crown of our head, in the rings of the trunk of the trees, in the water waves, of the sound, of the light, and the energy; in the navel that connect us with our mother, in the hurricanes, in the swirls, in the Milky Way...
“The Memory is the Universal Registry"
The memory is the history of life. It has everything that we are, what we were; what we will become, where we come from, where we are going. Is where all the information is recorded; it is a spiral, it is eternal
The memory is the path and the path are the elderly in whom we find the meaning of life, remembering and recreating what is already given. The future and the past are always the present. The memory is the consciousness of the history, is to recognize the history. That recognition generates identity, reveals the mission. The future is in the ancestral.
The memory is represented in the spiral, in the circle, in the jug, in the seed, in the spider web, in the knapsack mochila. The spiral is in the helix of DNA, in the fingerprints, in the iris of the eyes, in the crown of our head, in the rings of the trunk of the trees, in the water waves, of the sound, of the light, and the energy; in the navel that connect us with our mother, in the hurricanes, in the swirls, in the Milky Way...