La espiral es la huella de los abuelos
El tiempo
El tiempo es la urdimbre donde se teje la trama de la vida. El telar somos nosotros, la urdimbre es el tiempo y el tejedor el pensamiento. La urdiembre es la misma siempre, por eso el tiempo es eterno y es sobre el tiempo que se planea la vida humana. El tiempo es el pensamiento racionalizado en la acción.
El tiempo del espíritu es el tiempo natural, es armonía, es sincronía, es ritmo como es el universo. El movimiento del tiempo es espiral, se vive el tiempo de los ciclos de la vida en el instante presente, en el aquí y en el ahora tenemos acceso a la visión, se manifesta la eternidad.
La espiral es la forma del tiempo, la espiral de doble punta simboliza la memoria eterna de la vida. Representa dos tiempos en uno. En una misma espiral están el futuro y el pasado, el presente y el pasado. La espiral está mostrando que hacemos camino, enseña la ruta en la que vamos, vamos al abuelo, vemos llegar en la otra dirección al niño que está buscando al abuelo, seguimos la huella de los abuelos, la huella del que se fue, no seguimos al que nace. Para el pensamiento ancestral, el que se fue es el mismo que está aquí. El niño es el abuelo que murió. En el Tiempo espiritual partimos de hoy a ese futuro, que es el pasado. Cada vez estamos más cerca del futuro cuando vamos hacia el origen.
Quien controla tu tiempo controla tu mente y quien controla tu mente controla tu vida. El tiempo del reloj no refeja nada que suceda natural - mente, tiene un manejo del poder basado en el miedo a la muerte. Cuando creemos que el tiempo es oro' estamos cuantifcándolo y eso es recortar la vida, es ponerle límite, es vivir en contra del tiempo natural, donde nos Convertimos en su enemigo y decimos ' no me alcanza el tiempo', vamos ' contra el tiempo'
"The time is the warp where the plot of life is woven
"The spiral is the trace of the elderly”
The time is the warp where the plot of life is woven. We are the loom; the time is the warp and the weaver is the thought The warp is always the same, that is why time is eternal and it is within time
The time of the spirit is the natural time, it is harmony, it is synchrony, is rhythm as the universe is. The movement of time is spiral, the time of cycles of life are lived at the present moment; right here and right now we have access to the vision, eternity is manifested.
The spiral is the shape of time; the double-ended spiral symbolizes the eternal memory of life. It represents two periods in one. In one same spiral are the future and the past, the present and the past.
The spiral is showing that we are on our path, it shows the route in which we are going, going to the elderly; we see in the other direction the child who is looking for the elder; we follow the trace of the elder, the trace of the one that left, we do not follow the one who is born. For the ancestral thought, the one who left is the same that is right here. The child is the elder that died.
In the spiritual Time we depart today to that future which is the past. We are getting closer to the future when we move towards the origin.
Who controls your time controls your mind and who controls your mind controls your life. The clock time reflects nothing that happens naturally; it has a power based on the fear of death. When we believe that “time is gold” we are quantifying it and that means to cut life; it is to set it a limit, is to live against the natural time, where we become its enemy and we say “time is not enough” we go “against the time”.
"The spiral is the trace of the elderly”
The time is the warp where the plot of life is woven. We are the loom; the time is the warp and the weaver is the thought The warp is always the same, that is why time is eternal and it is within time
The time of the spirit is the natural time, it is harmony, it is synchrony, is rhythm as the universe is. The movement of time is spiral, the time of cycles of life are lived at the present moment; right here and right now we have access to the vision, eternity is manifested.
The spiral is the shape of time; the double-ended spiral symbolizes the eternal memory of life. It represents two periods in one. In one same spiral are the future and the past, the present and the past.
The spiral is showing that we are on our path, it shows the route in which we are going, going to the elderly; we see in the other direction the child who is looking for the elder; we follow the trace of the elder, the trace of the one that left, we do not follow the one who is born. For the ancestral thought, the one who left is the same that is right here. The child is the elder that died.
In the spiritual Time we depart today to that future which is the past. We are getting closer to the future when we move towards the origin.
Who controls your time controls your mind and who controls your mind controls your life. The clock time reflects nothing that happens naturally; it has a power based on the fear of death. When we believe that “time is gold” we are quantifying it and that means to cut life; it is to set it a limit, is to live against the natural time, where we become its enemy and we say “time is not enough” we go “against the time”.