La Muerte es la transformación
La vida
La vida es el espíritu, el espíritu es el que da el movimiento a la vida.
La vida está hecha del entramado de actividades y acciones que se realizan en el tiempo. Ese es nuestro tejido, nuestra manta de la vida. Siendo tejido, la vida es perfección, es transformación, es enseñanza. Cuando la vida se teje en la urdiembre del tiempo, es infnita.
El alma es donde se recrea la esencia de la vida pero el espíritu es el que hace la vida. Venimos a la vida para aprender a morir, la muerte es la oportunidad de transformarnos. A través de la muerte entramos a la conciencia de que la vida es eterna. La vida es la plenitud del universo, es el misterio infnito de los ciclos, de lo eterno.
En la memoria está grabada la vida. Nos conectamos con la memoria a través de los inconmensurables lenguajes de la vida.
"Life is the spirit”
"Death is transformation”
Life is the spirit; the spirit is the one that gives movement to life. Life is made of the interaction of activities and actions that take place over the time. That is our weave, our life blanket At being woven, life is perfection, is transformation, its teaching. When life is weaved in the warp of time, it is infinite.
The soul is where the essence of life is recreated but the spirit is the one who creates life. We come to life to learn how to die; death is the opportunity to transform ourselves. Through the death we come in the consciousness that life is eternal. Life is the plenitude of the universe; it is the endless mystery of the cycles, of the eternal.
Within memory, life is recorded. We connect with the memory through immeasurable languages of life.
"Death is transformation”
Life is the spirit; the spirit is the one that gives movement to life. Life is made of the interaction of activities and actions that take place over the time. That is our weave, our life blanket At being woven, life is perfection, is transformation, its teaching. When life is weaved in the warp of time, it is infinite.
The soul is where the essence of life is recreated but the spirit is the one who creates life. We come to life to learn how to die; death is the opportunity to transform ourselves. Through the death we come in the consciousness that life is eternal. Life is the plenitude of the universe; it is the endless mystery of the cycles, of the eternal.
Within memory, life is recorded. We connect with the memory through immeasurable languages of life.