El alma es la casa del espíritu; el cuerpo es un Instrumento del alma. El alma es el armazón donde está tejido todo lo que es espíritu, están todos los conceptos que tenemos de pensamiento, de sentimiento, de mente. El alma como símbolo es la casa del ser humano, es la representación divina que hay en el ser humano. El alma es el lugar donde la vida se recrea y le permite al espíritu humano trascender o quedarse. El alma es la garante, la representación de la vida en lo divino y el espíritu es el que recrea la vida en lo humano.
Desde el Pensamiento Ancestral otro símbolo del alma en lo humano son los huesos, la médula ósea. Allí se guarda lo más puro, es nuestra esencia. El alma es el sentir; el espíritu y el alma son individuales. El alma es la que se atribuye a cada individuo para que recree la vida en la tierra a partir de la esencia que es el espíritu.
The soul is the house of the spirit; the body is the instrument of the soul
The soul is the house of the spirit; the body is the instrument of the soul. The soul is the shell where everything that is spirit is woven; all the concepts that we have of thought, of feeling, and mind remain here. The soul as a symbol is the house of the human being; it is the divine representation within the human being. The soul is the place where life is recreated and allows the human spirit to transcend or to stay. The soul is the guarantor, the portrayal of life in the divine and the spirit is the one who recreates life into the human.
From the Ancestral Thought another symbol of the soul within the human are the bones, the bone marrow. The purest is kept in there, it is our essence. The soul is the sense; the spirit and the soul are individuals. The soul is the one that attributes itself to each individual so it can recreate life in the, earth beginning from the essence that is the spirit.
The soul is the house of the spirit; the body is the instrument of the soul. The soul is the shell where everything that is spirit is woven; all the concepts that we have of thought, of feeling, and mind remain here. The soul as a symbol is the house of the human being; it is the divine representation within the human being. The soul is the place where life is recreated and allows the human spirit to transcend or to stay. The soul is the guarantor, the portrayal of life in the divine and the spirit is the one who recreates life into the human.
From the Ancestral Thought another symbol of the soul within the human are the bones, the bone marrow. The purest is kept in there, it is our essence. The soul is the sense; the spirit and the soul are individuals. The soul is the one that attributes itself to each individual so it can recreate life in the, earth beginning from the essence that is the spirit.