“El conocimiento es sabiduría cuando se está en espíritu”
“Sabiduría es degustar y vivir lo que se da en el espíritu*
Sabiduría Conocimiento
La sabiduría es el manejo perfecto del conocimiento: es la respuesta perfecta, es degustar y es vivir lo que se da en el espíritu para realizar actos perfectos y certeros.
El conocimiento es lo que nace desde el cuerpo y se expresa en el hacer de la vida cotidiana. La sabiduría es el recorrido del conocimiento de la vida guiado por el espíritu; esa senda es perfecta. El recrear la vida es conocimiento permanente. El conocimiento es todo lo que hacemos, lo que pensamos, lo que sentimos, lo que está en el cuerpo, dentro de la mente y en el corazón. El espíritu es el lector de todos los conocimientos que el cuerpo va desarrollando. El conocimiento es sabiduría cuando se está en espíritu.
"Wisdom is the perfect handling of knowledge”
'Wisdom is to taste and live what is given in the spirit
Wisdom and Knowledge
The wisdom is the perfect handling of knowledge: it is the perfect answer; it is to taste and to live what is given in the spirit to perform perfect and accurate acts.
The knowledge is what is horn from the body and expressed in the actions of the daily life. Wisdom is the journey of knowledge of the life led by the spirit; that path is perfect. To recreate life means to be in permanent knowledge. The knowledge is everything that we do, what we think, what we feel, what is in the body, inside the mind and the heart The spirit is the reader of all the knowledge that the body keeps developing The knowledge is wisdom when it is in spirit
'Wisdom is to taste and live what is given in the spirit
Wisdom and Knowledge
The wisdom is the perfect handling of knowledge: it is the perfect answer; it is to taste and to live what is given in the spirit to perform perfect and accurate acts.
The knowledge is what is horn from the body and expressed in the actions of the daily life. Wisdom is the journey of knowledge of the life led by the spirit; that path is perfect. To recreate life means to be in permanent knowledge. The knowledge is everything that we do, what we think, what we feel, what is in the body, inside the mind and the heart The spirit is the reader of all the knowledge that the body keeps developing The knowledge is wisdom when it is in spirit