“La misión del Pensamiento Ancestral es la recuperación de los sentidos olvidados por la humanidad: la Visión y el Amor”
El Pensamiento Ancestral
El Pensamiento Ancestral es un sistema ordenado de pensamiento de vida dirigido y reglamentado por lo espiritual. El Pensamiento Ancestral es entender, aprender y comprender la vida desde el lenguaje del sentir; es actuar desde la conciencia a través del espíritu con sabiduría y conocimiento.
El Pensamiento Ancestral vive el tiempo eterno y nos permite llegar al origen de la vida misma. Al mirar, recorrer y recordar, hablamos y trasmitimos de generación en generación la memoria del tiempo y la memoria de la vida.
El Pensamiento Ancestral nos da la posibilidad de conocer quiénes somos y reconocernos como humanidad, viviendo y pensando en pro de la vida para vivir el equilibrio.
El Pensamiento Ancestral tiene como misión el rescate de los sentidos perdidos u olvidados por la humanidad: el sentido de la visión y el sentido del amor.
The ancestral thought is a thought ordered system perfect and directed by the spirit.
The mission of the ancestral thought is the recovery of the senses forgotten by the humanity: the vision and the love.
The Ancestral Thought
The ancestral thought is an organized system of thought of life guided and ruled by the spiritual. The ancestral thought means to understand, to learn and to comprehend life from the language of the feeling; it is to act from the consciousness through the spirit with wisdom and knowledge.
The ancestral thought lives in the eternal time and it allow us to get to the origin of life itself We talk and transmit from one generation to another the memory of time and life when we see, look over and remember.
The ancestral thought gives us the possibility to know who we are and to recognize ourselves as humanity, living and thinking in favor of life to live in equilibrium.
The ancestral thought has as a mission the retrieval of the lost or forgotten senses by the humanity: the sense of vision and the sense of love.
The mission of the ancestral thought is the recovery of the senses forgotten by the humanity: the vision and the love.
The Ancestral Thought
The ancestral thought is an organized system of thought of life guided and ruled by the spiritual. The ancestral thought means to understand, to learn and to comprehend life from the language of the feeling; it is to act from the consciousness through the spirit with wisdom and knowledge.
The ancestral thought lives in the eternal time and it allow us to get to the origin of life itself We talk and transmit from one generation to another the memory of time and life when we see, look over and remember.
The ancestral thought gives us the possibility to know who we are and to recognize ourselves as humanity, living and thinking in favor of life to live in equilibrium.
The ancestral thought has as a mission the retrieval of the lost or forgotten senses by the humanity: the sense of vision and the sense of love.