La comunidad es un cuerpo que comparte un mismo fin: la vida
La comunidad es una unidad, una común unidad donde cada uno de sus miembros representa un órgano de un cuerpo, donde cada uno recrea un rol de acuerdo a sus aptitudes y talentos, como fichas de un rompecabezas. En la comunidad hay una correlación donde cada uno necesita del otro para llevar a cabo su función, pero sin reemplazarlo. Por tanto no se compite, se comparte para construirse internamente. En este sentido la comunidad es un universo, una humanidad de un solo cuerpo que conforma un Abuelo que está en el centro. Él es la delicadeza, el espíritu, la semilla.
La comunidad es un cuerpo y cada persona representa a la comunidad entera. La comunidad se construye en un gran tejido de pensamiento donde cada miembro se teje en y con el otro, se reconoce y se hace en el otro para sanarse y crecer. En esa medida el que hace daño a otro se hace daño a sí mismo porque en ese tejido se comparten las mismas fbras.
The community is a unity, one common unity where each one of its members represents one organ of a body, where each one of them recreates a role depending on its skills and talents, like puzzle pieces. In the Community, there is a correlation where each one needs from the other to carry out its function, but without replacing it; hence, there is not competition but a sharing where one can construct oneself internally.
In this sense, the community is a universe, a humanity of a single body that makes up one Elder who is in the center. He is delicacy, the spirit, the seed.
The community is a body and each person represents the entire community. The community is built in a great weaving of thought where each member weaves in and with the other, is recognized and made in the other to heal and grow. In this measure the one that hurts the other, hurts itself because in the same weaving the same fibers are shared.
This drawing symbolizes the Cosmo vision of being in community, it shows several communities united in one same thought and one same web connected in the unity; it represents the internal construction to be able to be outside, to look inside and outside to know where it goes in the web. In this spiral, each member is represented. Thus, when a member enters the community it will be found on the outside part of the spiral and as that person becomes recognized as part of the community, it comes to the essence to be part of it from the spirit.
The community is a unity, one common unity where each one of its members represents one organ of a body, where each one of them recreates a role depending on its skills and talents, like puzzle pieces. In the Community, there is a correlation where each one needs from the other to carry out its function, but without replacing it; hence, there is not competition but a sharing where one can construct oneself internally.
In this sense, the community is a universe, a humanity of a single body that makes up one Elder who is in the center. He is delicacy, the spirit, the seed.
The community is a body and each person represents the entire community. The community is built in a great weaving of thought where each member weaves in and with the other, is recognized and made in the other to heal and grow. In this measure the one that hurts the other, hurts itself because in the same weaving the same fibers are shared.
This drawing symbolizes the Cosmo vision of being in community, it shows several communities united in one same thought and one same web connected in the unity; it represents the internal construction to be able to be outside, to look inside and outside to know where it goes in the web. In this spiral, each member is represented. Thus, when a member enters the community it will be found on the outside part of the spiral and as that person becomes recognized as part of the community, it comes to the essence to be part of it from the spirit.