La distracción es el desequilibrio que se presenta cuando no hay un plan de vida claro, cuando no hay una meta, una motivación por la que queramos luchar. Ese anhelo de querer hacer y vivir, y es un motivo para ¡que uno no asuma el rol que le corresponde.
La distracción es un vacío, que hace que no seamos felices. La racionalidad, la rabia, la soberbia, la venganza, nos distraen fácilmente y abandonamos el espíritu.
La distracción hace que el rol no se cumpla. La concentración es poder sentir en la unidad con todo el Ser. Cuando estamos equilibrados no hay distracción porque vamos con cuerpo y espíritu.
The distraction is the imbalance that occurs when there is no clear life plan.
The distraction is the imbalance that occurs when there is no clear plan of life, when there is no goal, a motivation for which we want to fight. That longing to want to do and live, and is a reason why one does not assume the role that corresponds.
The distraction is a void, which makes us not happy. Rationality, anger, pride, revenge, easily distract us and abandon the spirit.
The distraction makes the role is not fulfilled. The concentration is to be able to feel in the oneness with the whole Being. When we are balanced there is no distraction because we go with body and spirit.
The distraction is the imbalance that occurs when there is no clear plan of life, when there is no goal, a motivation for which we want to fight. That longing to want to do and live, and is a reason why one does not assume the role that corresponds.
The distraction is a void, which makes us not happy. Rationality, anger, pride, revenge, easily distract us and abandon the spirit.
The distraction makes the role is not fulfilled. The concentration is to be able to feel in the oneness with the whole Being. When we are balanced there is no distraction because we go with body and spirit.