The Oneness of the Inner-Mind

1. "Is the inner-mind (antahkarana) of all one, or is it different for everyone? Please explain this to me convincingly."
2. The listener asked like this as to whether the inner-mind is one, or if it is different for all. The listeners are now requested to listen to the reply.
3. The inner-mind of everyone is one. Using the power of discrimination one gains the experience of this, and by leaving doubt behind one gains understanding with conviction. The answer has now been given to you.
4. The listener said to the speaker, "If the inner-mind is one for everybody, then why does one person not agree with the other? What is the reason for this?
5. If it is one, then why when eating food, when one person is satisfied all are not satisfied, or when one person becomes peaceful why don't all become peaceful, and when one person dies, why don't all die?
6. Why does it happen that when one person is happy, another is sorrowful? How can one understand how to identify the oneness of the inner-mind?
7. People have different feelings and emotions and one person does not agree with another, therefore this oneness cannot be imagined.
8. If the inner-mind is one, then one person should always be able to understand the other, and one person would not be able to hide and keep secrets from another.
9. Therefore, one cannot arrive at the conclusion that the inner-mind is one. What is the reason why people get into opposition with each other?
10. If a snake comes to bite someone, that person runs away in fear. If the inner-mind is one, then such enmity should not exist."
11. Like this the listener expressed his doubts. The speaker said, "Don't become restless now, but remain alert and listen to the explanation."
12. Inner-Mind means knowledge (which is consciousness, or awareness). Knowledge is of the nature of "knowing," or being aware (being conscious), and in this knowing there is the instinct for the protection of the body.
13. The snake, being conscious, comes to bite, and the person, being conscious, knowingly runs away. See that it is knowledge that is functioning on both sides.
14. If you look to the functioning of knowledge, you will see that it is the inner-mind that is functioning on both sides. If you think this over, you will have the experience of this in the form of knowledge.
15. The inner-mind of everyone is one in the form of knowledge. Thus it is true for all living beings, that the quality of knowing, or being aware, is one.
16. It is with the eyes that everyone sees, it is with the tongue that everyone tastes, and the functions of listening, touch, and smell are also common in the same way to all.
17. All of the animals, birds, worms, ants, and other living beings in the world have this faculty of knowledge, or awareness, which is the same.
18. The fact that water is cold for everyone, and that fire is hot for everyone is the faculty of the knowledge of the inner-mind alone.
19. The many different likes and dislikes are all according to the various dispositions of different bodies, but the knowledge of sensations are because of the functioning of the knowledge of the inner-mind.
20. The inner-mind of all is one, this is definitely confirmed. The wonder of this can be seen everywhere.
21. Now that this doubt has been cleared there should be no more speculation about the matter. All that is known is known by the one inner-mind.
22. It is through knowledge that all beings take their food, that they know to hide in fear, and know to run away.
23. From worms and ants to Lord Brahma and others, all have the same one inner-mind. Understand the marvelous nature of this fact in your own experience.
24. Large or small, fire is fire, and whether it is in small or large quantities, water is water. This knowing that something is less or more is the common functioning of the knowledge of the inner-mind.
25. However, the degree of knowledge may vary. In some places it is less, in some places it is more, but the basic quality the nature of knowledge is the same. No living being exists without this quality of knowledge (the sattvaguna).
26. Knowledge means inner-mind. Know that the inner-mind is but a fraction of the Consciousness that is "the sustainer of creation," which is called Lord Vishnu. It is with this knowledge that is the inner-mind, that Lord Vishnu protects living beings.
27. Without knowledge, beings get destroyed. The lack of knowledge is the quality of ignorance which is called the tamas quality (the tamoguna). This is called the functioning of Lord Shiva (Rudra), the quality of destruction as the tamoguna.
28. The mixture of knowledge and ignorance is the nature of the rajas quality (the rajoguna). It is this mixture of knowledge and ignorance that causes living beings to take birth.
29. Knowledge begets happiness, and ignorance begets sorrow. Both happiness and sorrow are unavoidable after taking birth.
30. Understand that the intellect, which is partly knowing and partly not knowing, is called the functioning of Lord Brahma, the creator, in the body. The creator of the gross body is the rajoguna, or Lord Brahma.
31. Like this is the creation, preservation, and destruction. I have explained this according to the occasion in this discourse. However, what has been said is something that one must confirm for oneself in one's own experience.