The Signs of an Unfortunate Person

1. A measuring container measures lots of grains but does not consume any of what has been measured. Similar is the case of the living being who accumulates a great deal of knowledge but does not understand the meaning.
2. Such a person can prattle on reciting many things, but when asked about the meaning, he doesn’t know. When asked about his experience, he falls into talk based upon speculation and imagination.
3. Words, like gemstones, should be examined. Look and see what is being said. If what is said is based in actual experience, then accept those words, otherwise leave them aside.
4. The experience of what remains when all that has name and form falls away is what should be pursued. To consider Essence and non-essence to be the same is foolish.
5. Should a writer be able to give a detailed explanation of what has been said, or is it enough that what has been written is merely read aloud? You should be able to see from this example what is intended to be conveyed.
6. When clear explanations cannot be given, the listeners remain confused, and if questions are asked, the speaker only becomes irritated.
7. If a speaker collects and prepares many things to say about Self-knowledge, and then speaks without having made any attempt to experience the meaning behind the words, everything that he says in front of an audience is worthless.
8. If some quantity of grain is put into the mill and the grindstone is rotated too quickly, one does not end up with finely ground flour.
9. If many pieces of food are put into the mouth in rapid succession without allowing for any time to chew, what happens when the mouth becomes full of food?
10. The sign of good speaker is that when he speaks there is not even a moment when there is a lapse of interest on the part of the listeners, and he takes care to satisfy the minds of all present.
11. He uses many subtle indications with comfort and ease, and he is able to recognize many different states and qualities of being. Recognizing them, he is able to give appropriate explanations to the listeners.
12. By easily clearing away the doubts of the listeners, they become joyful and offer their salutations to the speaker again and again.
13. When the listener's doubts are cleared they offer salutations to him, and if their doubts are not cleared, they complain and criticize him. Why should the speaker become irritated?
14. Just as gold is tested to be sure of its purity, similarly, listening and reflecting should be utilized to understand what has been said, and one must verify in one's own experience if what has been said is true.
15. If a doctor gives some medicine and it does not cure the sickness of the people, what reason does the doctor have for becoming angry with the people?
16. False statements are not valuable to anybody and people do not accept them. Therefore, one must be able to prove his conclusions with true and verifiable statements.
17. If a business is run without the knowledge of how to keep proper accounts, the operation of the business may continue on for some time without problems, but when an accountant is brought in to examine the records, he quickly finds the faults.
18. However, if all of the histories of the transactions are watched over and the accounts are kept properly, what fault will the accountant find when looking over the records?
19. If a speaker has entangled himself in many difficulties, how is it possible for him to provide good explanations? The ignorant person finds himself getting into many difficulties.
20. If someone goes to war without the strength of an army behind him, he gets totally defeated. Who is it that is to be blamed for the defeat?
21. That which can be experienced as true should be accepted with respect, while answers which are given that cannot be experientially verified should simply be considered to be empty words.
22. If we try to teach such a person, he only becomes angry, and then later gets feels tormented by his anger. If untrue statements are spoken, even when one has strong confidence in them, they are quickly detected by the people.
23. If someone gives up the truth and continues making useless false statements, there will be no shortage of criticism. The principles of justice and propriety have been established in all the three worlds by Lord Narayana.
24. If one shows disregard for justice and propriety the whole world turns against him. How long can someone continue quarreling with people and remain miserable?
25. It is never been seen nor heard of that anyone has become successful by disregarding justice and propriety, however ignorant people strongly hold to what is not true.
26. Holding onto what is not true is the definition of sin. Understand that Truth is the true nature of the Self. Everyone must select between the two for oneself.
27. All speech and movement appear to be true only in Illusion. Without Illusion how could there be any speech? For this reason, one should get to the root of wordlessness.
28. The obvious meaning of the words should first be understood, then, let the words fall away so that the hidden meaning can be understood and accepted, leaving no confusion regarding the root of wordlessness.
29. Putting aside the primary premise presented in the Vedas and the eightfold manifestation, direct your attention towards the Absolute Reality which is not an object of attention. Only one who is alert and who properly reflects upon this can understand what is being indicated.
30. To say that the husk and the grain are the same is a mistake. What intelligent person will throw out the juice of the sugarcane and consume the chaff instead?
31. At the level of the body, one must discern what is Eternal and what is ephemeral. At the level of the universe one must investigate into what is Essence and what is non-essence. Examine everything and accept only the Essence.
32. Because of Illusion one must use logic and reason to discriminate between Oneness and duality. If Illusion does not exist, where is there any scope for discrimination?
33. By investigating the elements and dissolving one element into another, one arrives at the realization of the meaning of the Great Statements of the Vedas ("Only Brahman Exists"). Through self-surrender, one gains contentment.