Discourse on Politics

1. Actions must be done, meditation must be undertaken, and what has already been explained must be explained again and again.
2. That is what is happening here. Whatever has been said previously must be repeated. If one becomes disturbed, it must be remedied so there is contentment again.
3. The purpose of these discourses is to unify the followers of this path, and so that devotional feelings might arise in other people.
4. Most important are the explanations and narrations about God. After that, importance should be given to politics. Thirdly, one should be attentive in all matters.
5. Fourth, there should be the utmost perseverance in clearing away all arguments and misconceptions that others may have, and the injustices or offenses that have been committed by someone, whether small or large, should be forgiven.
6. Understand the minds of others while remaining disinterested, but don't distance yourself from morality and justice.
7. With indirect signs and indications one should be able to attract the attention of the people in order to instruct and give knowledge tactfully. At the same time one should look after one’s family life to the best of one's ability.
8. The situations in one's worldly affairs should be recognized and handled calmly and courageously without allowing oneself to become entangled in them too much.
9. The work activities should progress, but one should not get too caught up in them. In the beginning, one must accept low positions and recognize the limits of one's own knowledge.
10. When seeing the faults of others, they should not be openly revealed. Do not continuously speak about the bad qualities of others. If an evil-minded person is found, act with kindness towards them, and then leave their company.
11. One should not be eccentric in one's behavior. Try to suggest many solutions to difficult problems, and put forth great efforts to do the work that needs to be done in order to solve them.
12. Special gatherings should be supported and maintained, and one should not allow the public gathering to be disrupted. No one should be allowed to enter into excessive arguments.
13. One should understand the wellbeing and interests of others, and bear a lot of suffering imposed by others. If you are unable to bear it, then go away from there to some other place instead.
14. Understand the sorrow of others, and after listening, be supportive and share their sorrow with them. Bear both the good and the bad with the members of the gathering.
15. A great many things should be learned by heart. Try to always be close to others with thoughtfulness, benevolence and kindness.
16. Being peaceful, help others to be peaceful, giving up eccentricity, help others to give it up, and by doing many activities yourself, inspire others to action as well.
17. If some punishment needs to be done to someone, it should not be shown publicly by speaking about it openly. If someone needs to be taught a lesson, it should be made to happen indirectly through others.
18. One who does not bear the sorrow of many others will not attract many people to gather together with him. However, one should not bear the sorrow of others out of proportion because one will lose one's own importance.
19. One should undertake many political activities without allowing them to be known. However, one should not have their mind set on creating trouble for others.
20. Examine people well and know whom to keep away from. Cleverly remove the pride from others with diplomacy, and work to bring people together who have become distant from each other.
21. Keep away from quarrelsome people. Don't speak your mind to someone who is fearful or timid. If you are required to meet with them, go away from them as soon as you can.
22. Let the politics be played like this. It is not possible to tell you how to act in all situations. If the mind is alert and clear, you will know the correct political actions.
23. When someone who is unworthy sits in a high position he should be removed from there. People who are of a battling nature should be left aside. How can all of the various strategies of administration be described?
24. It is difficult to find such a genuine person in politics even after searching high and low. When people want to praise him, he avoids the situation. Even if prosperity comes to him, he does not have any desire for it.
25. Giving support and protection to one person and not doing anything for another is not a sign of wisdom.
26. If someone does not agree with justice, and does not want to accept what is beneficial, there is no working with such a person and they should be avoided.
27. The listeners have raised some doubts even after knowing, therefore what was said previously has been repeated again. The listeners are asked to please forgive any shortcomings in the explanation.