The State of Present Times

1. There are many manners of dress and the different ways of life (ashramas52). However, of all the different ways of life, the principle way where people find rest and relief in the three worlds is the householder's life.
2. Gods, sages, monks, yogis, ascetics, renunciates, ancestors, and all types of guests and visitors all come from households.
3. They are all born in the householder's homes, even though they may have forsaken that way of life, their presence persists there because of their name.
4. For this reason the householder’s life is considered best of all, however, one must know one’s own disposition (swadharma) and have compassion for all ways of life.
5. In the virtuous household, the six types virtuous activities53 are upheld, and people are spoken to with sweet sounding words.
6. The virtuous householder is disciplined in these six activities that have been presented in the scriptures. Especially divine is to follow the path of devotion.
7. Such a householder practices repetition of mantra, observes religious vows, and is diligent in making spiritual effort. For him, there is nothing more important than the Lord of the Universe.
8. His body, speech, life and breath is dedicated to God, and his mind delights in singing God's praises.
9. Such a devotee of God is especially detached within. By giving up attachments to family life for the sake of God, he becomes liberated.
10. Understand that the greatest fortune is to be inwardly detached, and that there is no greater misfortune than being attached to worldly things.
11. Even kings have given up their kingdoms and become wanderers for the sake of realizing God, and then gone on to become famous because of their achievements.
12. Such one who is a great yogi with inner experience and thoughtfulness, can help other living beings because of his understanding of their inner experience.
13. Such a one has an attitude of detachment in the worldly life, and above that he has Self-Knowledge. Simply by having a glimpse of such a person people become content.
14. Such a one is a means of salvation for many people, but he is not easily accessible to everyone. His heart is always filled with God's radiance.
15. He may appear restless to people, but he is very alert, and his thoughts are always on God.
16. He is either worshipping an image of God, absorbed in contemplation on the Self, or he is listening to and studying spiritual discourses and reflecting on their meaning.
17. Only if one has accumulated a great amount of virtue does one get the chance to meet such a person.
18. Knowledge without actual experience is only imagination and conjecture. With such knowledge, how can there be any success in spiritual practice for living beings?
19. For this reason, direct experience is very important. Without experience, knowledge is useless and one cannot gain realization. The wise understand that without actual experience, a remedy becomes a calamity.
20. If a person foolishly gives up worldly life, he will only die with suffering and hardships. He loses both in worldly life as well as the spiritual life.
21. If one leaves his home and goes away in anger and then dies after having arguments with many people, he has only been a source of trouble and suffering to others and himself.
22. If such a person who is ignorant leaves his home and other people begin keeping his company for advice, both the teacher and the disciple remain ignorant.
23. If a person is full of desire and behaves in immoral ways, even if he goes to other countries, he still continues his immoral behavior there among the people in those places.
24. If there is not enough to eat at home, and one becomes miserable and goes away and takes to a life of thievery, he will only be beaten in those places where he is caught stealing.
25. However, if one realizes the unreality of worldly life, and then leaves his home, he is able to make others knowledgeable like himself.
26. By keeping the good company of such a person, many people find salvation while others will only suffer downfall when keeping the company of the ignorant person. See that for this reason, you should take care to keep good company.
27. Where there is no utilization of the power of discrimination and proper examination, how can there be initiation into Self-Knowledge? For such a person, it is like one who goes from one house to another asking for alms and not receiving anything anywhere.
28. One who understands the minds of others knows how to behave properly according to any given place, time, and situation. What can be lacking for such a person?
29. If a person of low character and conduct becomes a guru, it is certain that the conduct of those around him becomes lowly as well. In such a situation, who will care for the knowledge of the Vedas and scriptures, or the "Knowers of Brahman"?
30. The authority of the discourse and thinking about the Knowledge of Brahman, is present only with the Knowers of Brahman. Therefore it is said that only a Knower of Brahman is a true guru for all castes of people.
31. Many who call themselves brahmins have deviated from pure intellect, abandoned good conduct, and become morally corrupt. Giving up the high status of being a guru they only become a disciple of their disciples.
32. Among these so called brahmins, many begin to worship some lower deities and various spirits, or they convert to some other religion according to their desire.
33. Such is the conduct in the present age (Kali yuga) where people act according to habitual patterns without any thoughtfulness. As the age progresses even marriages between castes will take place.
34. When a person of low character takes on the status of being a guru, it only serves to increase his own sense of importance. Such lowly people only do dishonor to the real Knowers of Brahman.
35. Such so-called brahmins do not have true understanding, nor have they attained any elevated state. In their case, false pride and foolishness has not been abandoned.
36. In these times, Muslim warriors have taken away the kingdom54, and the status of guru has been taken up by unworthy people. Because of this, the people lose both in worldly life and in spiritual life.
37. Because of politics and envy, the high status of the true Brahmins (Knowers of Brahman) has been ruined. The lowly so-called "brahmins" have strayed from God and accordingly are considered to be cursed.
38. I say with great sorrow that the high status of being a Brahmin has passed away because of in-fighting and the blind following of religious practices that have left negative effects all around us.
39. Can you see what these so-called brahmins are doing in present times? Their state is such that they cannot even get enough food to eat. Have you not seen this for yourselves?
40. It is best not to blame those elders who have come before. It should be understood that this is the misfortune of these present day brahmins. I have naturally spoken about this because of the state of affairs of the present times. The listeners are asked to pardon my harsh words.