Explanation of Delusion

1. The processes of creation, preservation, and destruction have previously been explained. The Supreme Self, Paramatman, is attributeless and formless. It is as it is.
2. The processes of becoming, existing, and disappearing have no relation to Paramatman. It exists before, during, and after all appearances.
3. The Absolute Reality, Parabrahman, alone exists eternally. In it, there is the appearance of this Illusion that gets destroyed after a period of time.
4. Creation, sustenance, and destruction appear to be going on continuously, however, at the end of the epoch all of this activity will come to an end.
5. One who utilizes the power of discrimination knows this already, because he has investigated and seen what is Essence and what is non-essence.
6. When there are many people who are living under delusion and there is one among them who has realized his True Form, he is not respected. But what can he do? There are very few people in the world who are truly realized.
7. Some description of one who is realized will be now be given. Those great people who are realized are devoid of any delusion, mistaken concepts, or mistaken ways of seeing.
8. One who is free of delusion can be recognized with your mind. Now, listen to the explanation about delusion.
9. The one Absolute Reality is pervasive everywhere, and never undergoes any modification. Whatever appears is different from "That," and is of the nature and form of delusion.
10. Those things that have been described as coming to an end at the time of the final dissolution, the three attributes and five elements, are all in the form of delusion.
11. The notions of "you" and "me" are delusion, worship is delusion, and to project any concepts or feelings about God is also delusion. This is definite.
12. Taking this world appearance to be true is delusion. Only the one who inquires deeply into all of this, and into one's Self Form (Swaroopa), is truly blessed.
13. Now the nature of delusion will be made clear to the listeners by using the help of examples to explain.
14. If someone is roaming about in a far off country and loses track of the direction he wishes to go, or if someone fails to recognize those near and dear to them, this is called delusion.
15. If someone is under the influence of some intoxicant and is affected by double-vision or hallucinations, or if someone feels that they are being haunted by ghosts or spirits, that is called delusion.
16. In a folk play, if one is fooled by men playing the parts of women, or if one witnesses magic tricks that cause doubts in the mind, this is called delusion.
17. If someone forgets the hiding place of some treasure, or gets lost while walking on a path, or gets confused and turned around in a big city, this is called delusion.
18. If someone thinks that some object that is in their possession has become lost and therefore becomes worried, or if someone forgets to do something, this is called delusion.
19. If some objects are forgotten, or if something that has been learned cannot be remembered, or if someone gets scared because of a fearful dream, this is called delusion.
20. If someone hears of some bad indications, or an ill-omen, or false news, and the mind becomes worried, or if someone gets startled upon seeing some object, this is called delusion.
21. If someone sees some trees or a log of wood and feels in the mind that it is a ghost, this is called delusion..
22. If someone mistakes water for a glass floor and steps on it and falls in the water, or if someone sees a gathering in a mirror and thinks it to be true, or takes a door going in the wrong direction, this is called delusion.
23. If something is felt to be something else, or if something heard is misunderstood, or if something appears to be something else, this is called delusion.
24. If someone believes that something that is given in charity in this life will be received back in the next life, or if a dead man is thought to have come for food, this is called delusion.
25. If someone thinks that the benefits from good deeds done in this life will be reaped in the next life, or if someone gets enamored by another person’s name, this is called delusion.
26. If a dead person comes to someone in the dream and asks for something, and that occupies the mind continuously, this is called delusion.
27. To say that everything is unreal but at the same time to crave after material power, or to become caught up in keeping a good name and seeking personal glory, this is called delusion.
28. If someone has a distaste for spiritual knowledge because of orthodox views, or if someone deliberately strays away from the path of knowledge, or behaves in a manner which displays no self control or discipline, this is called delusion.
29. When someone has pride about their body, their actions, caste, family lineage, knowledge, or in being liberated, this is called delusion.
30. When someone does not understand the difference between justice and injustice, or when someone blows up in anger for no reason, this is called delusion.
31. When someone cannot remember anything about the past, does not give any thought to the future, and is continuously doubting and guessing about everything, this is called delusion.
32. When someone takes medicine without observing the effects, or observes some dietary restrictions without any experiential knowledge, this is called delusion.
33. When someone conducts many experiments without looking for any appreciable results, or does yogic practices without any knowledge of yoga, or is obsessed with enjoying pleasures with the physical body, this is called delusion.
34. When someone holds on to the superstitious stories about Lord Brahma writing our destiny and a goddess reading it and deciphering it, this is called delusion.
35. Delusion has been greatly expanded and spread out among ignorant people. A brief description has now been given here for the purpose of understanding.
36. The nature of the world is in the form of delusion. How much more needs to be told about it? Other than the Attributeless (Nirguna) Brahman, everything else is the form of delusion.
37. It is said by many people that the Jnani has no worldly life, and that a Jnani can perform miracles even after the death of his body. This is all delusion.
38. Here the listener raises the doubt asking, "If one worships at the memorial shrine (samadhi) of a Jnani, is there some beneficial experience to be gained or not?
39. It has been seen that even after the incarnations of Jnanis has ended, their "power" still seems to continue on. Can it then be said that they are bound to the world because of lingering desires?"
40. This was the doubt that arose in the listener which must be cleared by the power of the speaker. Here the explanation about delusion is completed.